Reading List

The following is a collection of my favourite books, I would recommend reading.

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  1. Fritjof Capra: The Tao of Physics.
  2. Jeff Hawkins: A Thousand Brains.
  3. David Deutsch: The Fabric of Reality.
  4. Vaclav Smil: How the World Really Works.
  5. Tony Fadell: Build.
  6. Richard Dawkins: The Selfish Gene.
  7. Donald D. Hoffman: Reality is an illusion.
  8. Eric Barker: Barking Up the Wrong Tree.
  9. Peter F. Drucker: The Effective Executive.
  10. Bill Gates: How to Avoid a Climate Disaster.
  11. Rutger Bregman: Utopia for Realists.
  12. Dale Carnegie: How to Win Friends and Influence People.
  13. Malcolm Gladwell: Outliers.


  1. Louisa May Alcott: Little Women.
  2. Iain Banks: Consider Phlebas.
  3. Douglas Adams: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
  4. Emily Brontë: Wuthering Heights.
  5. Jane Austen: Pride & Prejudice.
  6. Fyodor Dostoyevsky: Crime and Punishment.
  7. Kim Stanley Robinson: The Ministry for the Future.
  8. James P. Hogan: The Proteus Operation.
  9. Iain M. Banks: Consider Phlebas (Culture Series)